Payroll: UKG Ready - IS Employees
Sara Yilmaz
Megan DeLaney
UKG Ready is a time entry and leave management system that collects hours worked and/or leave used from employees, obtains supervisor approvals for time sheets, change requests, and time off requests, and then feeds this information to the university payroll system. Time clocks are used where large numbers of employees report to a central work area without access to a computer. In office environments employees can use their desktop computers. Departments can also choose to allow employees the option of using their personal cell phone for added convenience.
Refer to the UKG Ready page on the Business Affairs site for more information.
See the FASS Payroll Get Ready for UKG Ready announcement for department-specific payroll updates.
For Non-Exempt (Overtime Eligible) Classified Employees
General Guidelines
Classified employees who are on the IT-specific timesheet (all of Information Services and FASSIT) will have a timesheet that operates slightly differently than other non-exempt Classified employees. This does not apply to student employees.
These IT employees specifically have a more open timesheet to allow employees to enter oncall easier. Due to this, employees can also make updates and changes directly to the timesheet themselves (whereas other units' employees have to complete requests to do so).
Let FASS-Payroll know your regular working schedule if you are not a M-F, 8 hours per day employee. We need to update those settings so that Holidays will populate correctly.
View the training session for this employee class from May 22nd 2023 here: Information Services UKG Ready Training for Non-Exempt Employees
Change Requests
Due to the open timesheet for an IT employee, change requests are not going to be as common as some other employee types. However, there are still circumstances in which a change request would be utilized.
This would happen in a situation where you would need to cancel your automatic lunch in order to get UKG to calculate that as overtime if you were to work through your lunch period (see the article on Cancelling Automatic Lunch for instructions on this). Also, a change request could be submitted if any employee prefers to utilize them instead of making changes directly on the timesheet for adding time or recording leave time.
Adding or editing time via a change request
- Navigate to the UKG Ready dashboard by going 1. to
- Provide your Duck ID credentials and use the DUO authenticator to complete the login process.
- On the UKG Ready Home tab, look for the My Timesheet panel that shows the clock with the current time displayed.
- View your timesheet by click on the My Timesheet link at the top of this panel.
- Click on the Change Request button on the top right-hand corner of the screen.
- Select "Add Time Entry" to add in the time period. To modify a punch, select Modify Punch In or Modify Punch Out as appropriate from the Change Type dropdown menu. (You can also modify leave, cancel leave, etc.)
- Select the date you wish to make the change for, and click the arrow to proceed.
- In the Change Request dialogue box, make your time corrections and add a comment in the comment field, if needed.
- Click Submit Changes when you have finished, and an email will be sent to your supervisor for approval. Once approved, it will appear on your timesheet.
Recording Leave & Leave Requests
For IT employees, leave recording can be done two ways:
- Directly - on your timesheet
- Leave Requests
Reporting Leave directly on your timesheet
- Navigate to the UKG Ready dashboard by going to
- Provide your Duck ID credentials and use the DUO authenticator to complete the login process.
- On the UKG Ready Home tab, look for the My Timesheet panel that shows the clock with the current time displayed.
- View your timesheet by clicking on the My Timesheet link at the top of this panel.
- Locate the day you need to edit for leave purposes.
- Use the blue (+) sign to add a line to that day. Type in the number of hours you need to use in the Raw Total box.
- In the Time Off column, use the drop down to select what type of leave is being used.
- Keep in mind that if you are an employee that is not on a flex schedule or 4/10 setting, any time over 8 hours will calculate as overtime. So, if you take a partial day of leave you will most likely want to enter the exact amount of leave that will take your day to 8 hours.
- Once you are done with these changes, be sure to hit "Save" at the top of your timesheet on the right-hand side.
- To cancel time off: Locate the line on your timesheet that lists the leave being taken. Delete the leave line directly on your timesheet via the three dots on that specific line. Hit Save at the top of your timesheet before navigating away.
Leave Requests
- Navigate to the UKG Ready dashboard by going to
- Provide your Duck ID credentials and use the DUO authenticator to complete the login process.
- On the UKG Ready Home tab, look for the My Time & Time Off icon in the middle of the Start panel. Clicking on this icon will show a menu with different options.
- Click on the link called Request Time Off. This will bring you to the Time Off Request screen.
- Using the calendar, select the days you need to make your request for by clicking and dragging to highlight all of the appropriate days needed for the request.
- With your days selected, click the Start Request button in the top right-hand side of the screen.
- A dialogue box will pop up asking you to select which type of leave you wish to use. Please remember that the current restrictions regarding Sick Leave use still apply, as per university guidelines.
- The Request Time Off dialogue box will appear that will capture the details of your request.
- If your request is for a single day, please select Single Day under the Request Type field.
- If your request is for multiple consecutive days, please select Multiple Day under the Request Type field.
- You will then be asked to verify which date(s) you are making the request for, as well as the Total Hours or Hours Per Day that you are requesting to use your leave balance for.
- When your request is complete, select Submit Request, and click OK. An email will be sent to your supervisor for approval.
- Your request will appear in a pending status until it is reviewed and approved by your supervisor in the UKG Ready system.
- Your requests will appear on the My Schedule / My Time Off calendar panel on the Home tab.
- To cancel a time off request (via the change request process), navigate to the Home screen. Open your timesheet by clicking on the My Timesheet link at the top of the My Timesheet panel.
- Click on the Change Request button on the top right-hand corner 26. of the screen.
- Select Cancel Time Off as the Change Type, and select the date you would like to change.
- Under that date, select the checkbox of the time off you would like to cancel, and select Submit Changes.
- An email will be sent to your supervisor for approval.
- Once approved, the cancelled leave will be removed from your UKG Ready calendar.
- This works after your time off request has been approved by your supervisor. If it has not yet been approved you can cancel it from the "My Time Off" module/calendar directly (located on home page).
- Please remember you will need to set a separate Out of Office message on your Outlook calendar.
Adding On Call Differential (IT)
- Navigate to the UKG Ready dashboard by going 1. to
- Provide your Duck ID credentials and use the DUO authenticator to complete the login process.
- On the UKG Ready Home tab, look for the My Timesheet panel that shows the clock with the current time displayed.
- View your timesheet by clicking on the My Timesheet link at the top of this panel.
- Locate the day you need to edit for leave purposes.
- Use the blue (+) sign to add a line to that day. Type in the number of hours you need to report for on-call in the Raw Total box.
- In the Activity column, use the drop down to select "PSB - On Call". The first time you do this, you will need to hit "Browse" to find it, and it is currently on the 2nd page. Once you have selected this, it should have this option in the drop down in the future without having to hit Browse.
- You'll need to do this for each day you need to add On Call.
- Once you are done with these changes, be sure to hit "Save" at the top of your timesheet on the right-hand side.
Cancelling Automatic Lunch Deduction
- Navigate to the UKG Ready dashboard by going 1. to
- Provide your Duck ID credentials and use the DUO authenticator to complete the login process.
- Navigate to your timesheet and hit the option to submit a change request.
- Select the option for "Modify Cost Center"
- Select the applicable day and hit the blue arrow to move forward.
- Choose the drop down that says "Manager Overrides". You may have to hit "Browse" the first time you do this.
- Locate the line that says "Cancel Lunch". You can enter a comment if needed.
- Then, hit submit for it to be sent off for approval.
- Once your supervisor approves, UKG will re-calculate that day to reflect no automatic lunch.
Submitting Your Timesheet
- Navigate to the UKG Ready dashboard by going 1. to
- Provide your Duck ID credentials and use the DUO authenticator to complete the login process
- Navigate to your current timesheet.
- This is going to bring up this month’s timesheet. Since we need to submit the previous months’ time, you will need to click on the small blue arrow next to the dates to bring up the one you need.
- Once there, review for accuracy. If you need to make changes, you can do so with a change request in the top right, or using the three dots (expanded menu).
- When you have finished making changes and are ready to submit your timesheet, hit the Submit button in the top right.
- Your timesheet status will now change to show as “Submitted”.
For Non-Exempt (Overtime Eligible) Student and Temporary Employees
View the training session for this employee class from May 22nd 2023 here: Information Services UKG Ready Training for Non-Exempt (Student and Temporary) Employees
Tech Desk Employees: Clocking In and Out on Physical Time Clock Step-by-step guide
- The physical time clock should have 6 sections on the home scree
- Select either Clock In or Clock Out
- Note: If you are a student employee with multiple jobs on campus, select "Clock In - Select Job" and choose both the applicable Job and Approval options.
- Either swipe your UO ID card in the slot in the upper right hand corner of the clock or enter your UO ID number manually
- Note: swiping too fast or slow could result in an error and will not record your punch/entry. If that happens, you will see a read screen with the error message "Unrecognized badge format".
You will need to try again until you see the green "Accepted" screen.
Tech Desk Employees: Viewing Clock In and Clock Outs (Punches) on the Physical Clock Step-by-step guide
You can use the clock to view your previous punches. This can be helpful if you are unsure if you already clocked in or out, or you want to view a basic rundown of your timesheet details.
- Select the View Punches hot key
- Either swipe your UO ID card in the slot in the upper right hand corner of the clock or enter your UO ID number manually
- An overview of your punches will display
- When you are done, tap the home button
Clocking In and Out Step-by-step guide for employees using the web browser
- Navigate to the UKG Ready dashboard by going to
- Provide your Duck ID credentials and use the DUO authenticator to complete the login process.
- On the UKG Ready Home tab, look for the My Timesheet panel that shows the clock with the current time displayed.
- Beneath the clock are three buttons, Clock In, Clock Out, and Transfer. To clock in, select the Clock In button.
- A notice will pop up saying that the clock-in was completed, and at what time the punch was registered.
- To clock out, repeat steps 1 – 3. Beneath the clock in the My Timesheet panel, click Clock Out.
- A notice will pop up saying that the clock out was completed, and at what time the punch was registered.
- To confirm your punches, you may view your timesheet by clicking on the My Timesheet link on the My Timesheet panel.
- Differentials such as shift differential will be programmed automatically by FASS Payroll to ensure accurate reporting.
- While viewing your timesheet, you may add notes to your punches or request adjustments and corrections per the Classified Time Clock Change Request process (see below).
Time Clock Change Request Step-by-step guide
- Navigate to the UKG Ready dashboard by going to
- Provide your Duck ID credentials and use the DUO authenticator to complete the login process.
- On the UKG Ready Home tab, look for the My Timesheet panel that shows the clock with the current time displayed.
- View your timesheet by click on the My Timesheet link at the top of this panel.
- Click on the Change Request button on the top right-hand corner of the screen.
- To modify a punch, select Modify Punch In or Modify Punch Out as appropriate from the Change Type dropdown menu.
- Select the date you wish to make the change for, and click the arrow to proceed.
- In the Change Request dialogue box, make your time corrections and add a comment in the comment field. *Please be advised that any notes left in the comment box will be visible to your payroll administrators as well as your supervisor and cannot be deleted from UKG Ready.
- Click Submit Changes when you have finished, and an email will be sent to your supervisor for approval.
- If you need to add additional hours to a day that already has a punch registered, repeat steps 3-5 to get to the Change Request dialogue box.
- Select Add a Time Entry from the Change Request drop down menu.
- Enter the new times in the Change Request dialogue box and select Submit Changes when complete.
- An email will be sent to your supervisor for approval.
Requesting Time Off (Sick Leave and Vacation Leave) Step-by-step guide
- Navigate to the UKG Ready dashboard by going to
- Provide your Duck ID credentials and use the DUO authenticator to complete the login process.
- On the UKG Ready Home tab, look for the My Time & Time Off icon in the middle of the Start panel. Clicking on this icon will show a menu with different options.
- Click on the link called Request Time Off. This will bring you to the Time Off Request screen.
- Using the calendar, select the days you need to make your request for by clicking and dragging to highlight all of the appropriate days needed for the request.
- With your days selected, click the Start Request button in the top right-hand side of the screen.
- A dialogue box will pop up asking you to select which type of leave you wish to use. Please remember that the current restrictions regarding Sick Leave use still apply, as per university guidelines.
- The Request Time Off dialogue box will appear that will capture the details of your request. *Please be advised that any notes left in the comment box will be visible to your payroll administrators as well as your supervisor and cannot be deleted from UKG Ready.
- If your request is for a single day, please select Single Day under the Request Type field.
- If your request is for multiple consecutive days, please select Multiple Day under the Request Type field.
- You will then be asked to verify which date(s) you are making the request for, as well as the Total Hours or Hours Per Day that you are requesting to use your leave balance for.
- When your request is complete, select Submit Request, and click OK. An email will be sent to your supervisor for approval.
- Your request will appear in a pending status until it is reviewed and approved by your supervisor in the UKG Ready system.
- Your requests will appear on the My Schedule / My Time Off calendar panel on the Home tab.
- To cancel a time off request, navigate to the Home screen. Open your timesheet by clicking on the My Timesheet link at the top of the My Timesheet panel.
- Click on the Change Request button on the top right-hand corner of the screen.
- Select Cancel Time Off as the Change Type, and select the date you would like to change.
- Under that date, select the checkbox of the time off you would like to cancel, and select Submit Changes.
- An email will be sent to your supervisor for approval.
- Once approved, the cancelled leave will be removed from your UKG Ready calendar.
- Please remember you will need to set a separate Out of Office message on your Outlook calendar.
Submitting Your Timesheet on UKG Website Step-by-step guide
- Navigate to the UKG Ready dashboard by going to
- Provide your Duck ID credentials and use the DUO authenticator to complete the login process
- Navigate to your current timesheet.
- This is going to bring up this month’s timesheet. Since we need to submit the previous months’ time, you will need to click on the small blue arrow next to the dates to bring up the one you need.
- Once there, review for accuracy. If you need to make changes, you can do so with a change request in the top right, or using the three dots (expanded menu).
- When you have finished making changes and are ready to submit your timesheet, hit the Submit button in the top right.
- Your timesheet status will now change to show as “Submitted”.
Modifying Time Off Step-by-step guide
- Navigate to the UKG Ready dashboard by going to
- Provide your Duck ID credentials and use the DUO authenticator to complete the login process
- To modify a time off request that has already been approved, navigate to the Home screen.
- Open your timesheet by clicking on the My Timesheet link at the top of the My Timesheet panel.
- Click on the Change Request button on the top right-hand corner of the screen.
- Select "Modify Time Off", choose the date you would like to change, and hit the blue arrow to proceed.
- Here, you can change the total box to the new value needed. For example, changing 8 hours to 6 hours due to working partially that day.
- Alternatively, you can also select a new Time Off type here to change from one type of leave to another.
- Hit Submit Changes
- An email will be sent to your supervisor for approval.
- Once approved, the leave will be updated on your timesheet.
- This works after your time off request has been approved by your supervisor. If it has not yet been approved you can cancel it from the "My Time Off" module/calendar directly (located on home page) and submit an updated one.
Swapping Between Multiple Jobs (Students)
For Student employees with multiple positions that use UKG, swapping between the two can be done two ways (depending on physical clock vs. web application) :
Via the Web Application or UKG Ready App
- Navigate to the UKG Ready dashboard by going 1. to
- Provide your Duck ID credentials and use the DUO authenticator to complete the login process.
- On the UKG Ready Home tab, look for the My Timesheet panel that shows the clock with the current time displayed.
- Hit the "Transfer" button. This option will clock you in once you select the position you are clocking in for. UKG will default these options to your home job in Banner, so hitting Transfer every time you clock in is best practice to prevent mistakes and payroll processing errors.
- Select the "Job Cost Center" from the drop down. This should display your active positions in Banner. This determines which job and hourly rate this shift is for. You will need to hit Browse the first time you do this.
- Select the "Approval/Labor Cost Center". This determines which manager your shift will go to for approval. Sometimes the Approval/Labor list you see can be shared among multiple students with similar jobs, so choose this one carefully.
- Select OK.
- UKG will confirm you have been clocked in.
- Once done with your shift hit "Clock Out". You will need to hit the Transfer button every time you need to clock in, it will not save your previous settings.
Via a Physical Time Clock
- On the clock home screen, hit "Clock in - Select Job". If you select "Clock in" instead, UKG will default these options to your home job in Banner, so hitting the Select Job option every time you clock in is best practice to prevent mistakes and payroll processing errors.
- Either swipe your badge in the slot in the upper right hand corner of the clock, or enter your UO ID number manually.
- Then, choose both the applicable "Job" and "Approval/Labor" options. You can scroll down in these menus if you have many options. Sometimes the Approval/Labor list you see can be shared among multiple students with similar jobs, so choose this one carefully.
- Hit Submit
- The clock will give you a green "Accepted" screen if successful. If you get a red screen, it is likely your UO ID was entered incorrectly and you would need to try again.
Fixing Job/Approval Cost Centers (Students)
These instructions would be for if you clocked into the wrong job or approval cost center and need to change it on your timesheet. This can only be done in the web application or the app, not on a physical time clock. You can do this two ways: Either directly on your timesheet, or with a change request.
Directly on Your Timesheet
- Navigate to the UKG Ready dashboard by going 1. to
- Provide your Duck ID credentials and use the DUO authenticator to complete the login process.
- On the UKG Ready Home tab, look for the My Timesheet panel that shows the clock with the current time displayed.
- View your timesheet by clicking on the My Timesheet link at the top of this panel.
- Locate the day you need to edit the cost centers for.
- Hit the small magnifying glass in both the Job and Approval/Labor sections. Select the one you need to change each of these to.
- You'll need to do this for each time entry/line on your timesheet that you need to change.
- Once you are done with these changes, be sure to hit "Save" at the top of your timesheet on the right-hand side.
Change Request
- Navigate to the UKG Ready dashboard by going to
- Provide your Duck ID credentials and use the DUO authenticator to complete the login process.
- On the UKG Ready Home tab, look for the My Timesheet panel that shows the clock with the current time displayed.
- View your timesheet by clicking on the My Timesheet link at the top of this panel
- Click on the Change Request button on the top right-hand corner of the screen.
- Select the option for "Modify Cost Center"
- Select the applicable day and shift and hit the blue arrow to move forward.
- Choose the correct Job and Approval/Labor options. You may have to hit "Browse" the first time you do this.
- You can enter a comment if needed.
- Then, hit "submit changes" for it to be sent off for approval.
- Once your supervisor approves, UKG will update that day with the changes.
For Exempt (Overtime Ineligible) Classified Exempt Employees
General Guidelines
Classified employees who are exempt from FLSA will have a timesheet that looks slightly different than non-exempt employees. Those who are exempt are not required to track their daily hours but also do get exchange time if they go over 40 hours in the week. To make this set of circumstances work, UKG is set up for these employees to automatically populate regular hours into the timesheet. Also, IT employees specifically have a more open timesheet to allow employees to enter on-call easier.
Let FASS-Payroll know your regular working schedule if you are not a M-F, 8 hours per day employee. We need to update those settings so that the daily hours are accurate for you and also so Holidays will populate correctly.
If you are going over your weekly regular hours and need to account for exchange time, see the Exchange Time Reporting article.
View the training session for this employee class from May 23rd 2023 here: Information Services UKG Ready Training for Exempt Employees
Change Requests and Exchange Time Reporting
Due to the open timesheet for an IT employee, change requests are not going to be as common as some other employee types. However, there are still situations in which a change request would be utilized. Mostly this would be if: A change request is submitted if an employee prefers to utilize them instead of making changes directly on the timesheet for adding exchange time or recording leave time.
Adding or editing time to account for exchange time via a change request
- Navigate to the UKG Ready dashboard by going 1. to
- Provide your Duck ID credentials and use the DUO authenticator to complete the login process.
- On the UKG Ready Home tab, look for the My Timesheet panel that shows the clock with the current time displayed.
- View your timesheet by click on the My Timesheet link at the top of this panel.
- Click on the Change Request button on the top right-hand corner of the screen.
- Select "Add Time Entry" to add in the exchange time period. To modify a punch, select Modify
- Punch In or Modify Punch Out as appropriate from the Change Type dropdown menu. (You can also modify leave, cancel leave, etc.)
- Select the date you wish to make the change for, and click the arrow to proceed.
- In the Change Request dialogue box, make your time corrections and add a comment in the comment field, if needed.
- Click Submit Changes when you have finished, and an email will be sent to your supervisor for approval. Once approved, it will appear on your timesheet.
Exchange Time Reporting
If you are going over your weekly regular hours and need to account for exchange time, you can do this three different ways:
- Clock in and out during this specific time. This will show as hours worked on top of your regular hours for the week, and therefore be pushed over into exchange time.
- Adding the time directly onto your 2. timesheet yourself:
- View your timesheet by clicking on the My Timesheet link at the top of the Timesheet panel.
- Locate the day you need to add time to.
- Use the blue (+) sign to add a line to that day. Type in the start and stop time.
- Once you are done with these changes, be sure to hit "Save" at the top of your timesheet on the right-hand side.
- Submit a change request to "Add Time Entry" (See the Change Requests section for full instructions). This will allow you to put in a start and stop time and that will get added on top of your automatic daily hours, which will go towards exchange time.
- Ideally when you submit this request you should put in a comment regarding what its for (i.e. Time worked over my weekly 40 hours that needs to be added for exchange time). This will ensure your supervisor can easily see what it is for to get a quick approval.
Recording Leave & Leave Requests
For IT Exempt employees, leave recording can be done two ways:
- Directly - on your timesheet
- Leave Requests
Reporting Leave directly on your timesheet
- Navigate to the UKG Ready dashboard by going to
- Provide your Duck ID credentials and use the DUO authenticator to complete the login process.
- On the UKG Ready Home tab, look for the My Timesheet panel that shows the clock with the current time displayed.
- View your timesheet by clicking on the My Timesheet link at the top of this panel.
- Locate the day you need to edit for leave purposes.
- Use the blue (+) sign to add a line to that day. Type in the number of hours you need to use in the Raw Total box.
- In the Time Off column, use the drop down to select what type of leave is being used.
- If you are working on a current timesheet, make sure to edit the regular hours to account for your leave time. For example, if I enter 2.00 hours of sick leave, I would adjust the regular hours to be 6.00.
- If you are adding hours for a future timesheet, when the timesheet auto populates your regular time (the 1st of every month), it will only put hours in those days that don't already have them. For example, if I entered 8.00 hours off on a future date in a future timesheet, and also 2.00 hours off on a future date, UKG will skip the day with 8 hours and auto fill the remaining 6.00 hours on the partial day.
- Once you are done with these changes, be sure to hit "Save" at the top of your timesheet on the right-hand side.
Leave Requests
- Navigate to the UKG Ready dashboard by going to
- Provide your Duck ID credentials and use the DUO authenticator to complete the login process.
- On the UKG Ready Home tab, look for the My Time & Time Off icon in the middle of the Start panel. Clicking on this icon will show a menu with different options.
- Click on the link called Request Time Off. This will bring you to the Time Off Request screen.
- Using the calendar, select the days you need to make your request for by clicking and dragging to highlight all of the appropriate days needed for the request.
- With your days selected, click the Start Request button in the top right-hand side of the screen.
- A dialogue box will pop up asking you to select which type of leave you wish to use. Please remember that the current restrictions regarding Sick Leave use still apply, as per university guidelines.
- The Request Time Off dialogue box will appear that will capture the details 18. of your request.
- If your request is for a single day, please select Single Day under the Request Type field.
- If your request is for multiple consecutive days, please select Multiple Day under the Request Type field.
- You will then be asked to verify which date(s) you are making the request for, as well as the
- Total Hours or Hours Per Day that you are requesting to use your leave balance for.
- When your request is complete, select Submit Request, and click OK. An email will be sent to your supervisor for approval.
- Your request will appear in a pending status until it is reviewed and approved by your
supervisor in the UKG Ready system. - Your requests will appear on the My Schedule / My Time Off calendar panel on the Home tab.
- To cancel a time off request, navigate to the Home screen. Open your timesheet by clicking on the My Timesheet link at the top of the My Timesheet panel.
- Click on the Change Request button on the top right-hand corner of the screen.
- Select Cancel Time Off as the Change Type, and select the date you would like to change.
- Under that date, select the checkbox of the time off you would like to cancel, and select Submit Changes.
- An email will be sent to your supervisor for approval.
- Once approved, the cancelled leave will be removed from your UKG Ready calendar.
- This works after your time off request has been approved by your supervisor. If it has not yet been approved you can cancel it from the "My Time Off" module/calendar directly (located on home page).
- Please remember you will need to set a separate Out of Office message on your Outlook
Adding On Call Differential (IT)
- Navigate to the UKG Ready dashboard by going 1. to
- Provide your Duck ID credentials and use the DUO authenticator to complete the login process.
- On the UKG Ready Home tab, look for the My Timesheet panel that shows the clock with the current time displayed.
- View your timesheet by clicking on the My Timesheet link at the top of this panel.
- Locate the day you need to edit for leave purposes.
- Use the blue (+) sign to add a line to that day. Type in the number of hours you need to report for on-call in the Raw Total box.
- In the Activity column, use the drop down to select "PSB - On Call". The first time you do this, you will need to hit "Browse" to find it, and it is currently on the 2nd page. Once you have selected this, it should have this option in the drop down in the future without having to hit Browse.
- You'll need to do this for each day you need to add On Call.
- Once you are done with these changes, be sure to hit "Save" at the top of your timesheet on the right-hand side.
Cancelling Automatic Lunch Deduction
Exempt employees would not need to do a cancel lunch request if they do in fact work through their lunch, and it causes exchange time as a result.
If this situation were to happen, an exempt employee would log on, navigate to their timesheet and update their daily hours that day to be 8.50 (or whatever amount is the lunch period for that day), and hit save. This will cause UKG to push those extra hours for the week to exchange time.
Make sure to add a note to this day so that your supervisor can see it in the event that they have questions about the daily and/or weekly totals.
Submitting Your Timesheet
- Navigate to the UKG Ready dashboard by going 1. to
- Provide your Duck ID credentials and use the DUO authenticator to complete the login process
- Navigate to your current timesheet.
- This is going to bring up this month’s timesheet. Since we need to submit the previous months’ time, you will need to click on the small blue arrow next to the dates to bring up the one you need.
- Once there, review for accuracy. If you need to make changes, you can do so with a change request in the top right, or using the three dots (expanded menu).
- When you have finished making changes and are ready to submit your timesheet, hit the Submit button in the top right.
- Your timesheet status will now change to show as “Submitted”.
For Exempt (Overtime Ineligible) Officers of Administration (OAs)
View the training session for this employee class from May 25th 2023 here: Information Services UKG Ready Training for Exempt Employees
Leave Request Step-by-step guide
This process is to use the leave request module. Certain OA employees can place leave directly on their timesheet without using a leave request. Please see the next article for instructions on how to do that. Reporting leave directly on your timesheet will eliminate what many supervisors consider a "Double Approval".
- Navigate to the UKG Ready dashboard by going 1. to
- Provide your Duck ID credentials and use the DUO authenticator to complete the login process.
- On the UKG Ready Home tab, look for the My Time & Time Off icon in the middle of the Start panel. Clicking on this icon will show a menu with different options.
- Click on the link called Request Time Off. This will bring you to the Time Off Request screen.
- Using the calendar, select the days you need to make your request for by clicking and dragging to highlight all of the appropriate days needed for the request.
- With your days selected, click the Start Request button in the top right-hand side of the screen.
- A dialogue box will pop up asking you to select which type of leave you wish to use. Please remember that the current restrictions regarding Sick Leave use still apply, as per university guidelines.
- The Request Time Off dialogue box will appear that will capture the details of your request.
- If your request is for a single day, please select Single Day under the Request Type field.
- If your request is for multiple consecutive days, please select Multiple Day under the Request Type field.
- You will then be asked to verify which date(s) you are making the request for, as well as the
- Total Hours or Hours Per Day that you are requesting to use your leave balance for.
- When your request is complete, select Submit Request, and click OK. An email will be sent to your supervisor for approval.
- Your request will appear in a pending status until it is reviewed and approved by your supervisor in the UKG Ready system.
- Your requests will appear on the My Schedule / My Time Off calendar panel on the Home tab.
- To cancel a time off request, navigate to the Home screen. Open your timesheet by clicking on the My Timesheet link at the top of the My Timesheet panel.
- Click on the Change Request button on the top right-hand corner of the screen.
- Select Cancel Time Off as the Change Type, and select the date you would like to change. Under that date, select the checkbox of the time off you would like to cancel, and select Submit Changes.
- An email will be sent to your supervisor for approval.
- Once approved, the cancelled leave will be removed from your UKG Ready calendar.
- This works after your time off request has been approved by your supervisor. If it has not yet been approved you can cancel it from the "My Time Off" module/calendar directly (located on home page).
- Please remember you will need to set a separate Out of Office message on your Outlook calendar.
Reporting Leave Directly on Your Timesheet Step-by-step guide
- Navigate to the UKG Ready dashboard by going 1. to
- Provide your Duck ID credentials and use the DUO authenticator to complete the login process.
- On the UKG Ready Home tab, look for the My Timesheet panel that shows the clock with the current time displayed.
- View your timesheet by clicking on the My Timesheet link at the top of this panel.
- Make sure you are on the correct month/timesheet you need to report for.
- Locate the day you need to add or edit leave for.
- Use the blue (+) sign to add a line to that day, if there's not on there already. Type in the number of hours you need to use in the Raw Total box.
- In the Time Off column, use the drop down to select what type of leave is being used.
- If you need to add multiple types of leave to the same day, use the blue (+) sign to add an extra line to that day.
- Once you are done with all the changes, be sure to hit "Save" at the top of your timesheet on the right-hand side.
Submitting Your Timesheet/Leave Report Step-by-step guide
- Navigate to the UKG Ready dashboard by going 1. to
- Provide your Duck ID credentials and use the DUO authenticator to complete the login process
- Navigate to your current timesheet.
- This is going to bring up this month’s timesheet. Since we need to submit the previous months’
time, you will need to click on the small blue arrow next to the dates to bring up the one you
need. - Once there, review for accuracy. If you need to make changes, you can do so with a change
request in the top right, or using the three dots (expanded menu). OA Employee's will not have
any worked hours, and you do not need to enter any worked hours. As long as any leave you
took is there, this is considered complete. - When you have finished making changes and are ready to submit your leave report, hit the
Submit button in the top right. - Your timesheet status will now change to show as “Submitted”.
For Managers and Supervisors
View the training session for this employee class from May 25th 2023 here: Information Services UKG Ready Training for Exempt Employees
Approving Time Entry Step-by-step guide
- Navigate to the UKG Ready dashboard by going to
- Provide your Duck ID credentials and use the DUO authenticator to complete the login process.
- From the Dashboard, navigate to the Approvals tab. Here you will see pending requests for time off, change requests, and time entries from your employees.
- It is recommended that these pending requests are addressed in the order in which they are presented on the Approvals dashboard before proceeding to approving time entries in the bottom panel.
- To approve the pending time entries, click on the "Pending Approval – Time Entries" link in the bottom panel in order to view the full report. If you do not have the full report open, you will not be able to approve entries. Please make sure you are on the correct screen before proceeding.
- You may approve each employee’s time entries individually or grouped together by selecting the appropriate boxes on the left-hand side of the screen.
- To review an employee’s time entry in more detail, select the timesheet icon next to the entry in question. This will bring up the employee’s timesheet.
- To approve the entries, select all the appropriate lines and click the Approve button near the top right-hand corner of the screen. If you do not see an Approve button, you may be on the incorrect screen.
Approving Time Off and Change Requests Step-by-step guide
- Navigate to the UKG Ready dashboard by going to
- Provide your Duck ID credentials and use the DUO authenticator to complete the login process.
- To view pending change request items, click on the notification bell in the top right-hand corner.
- While on the My To Do Items tab, click on the change request you wish to approve.
- This brings up the request and shows the current state of the time entry, as well as the new state the employee would like it corrected to. Review the request for accuracy and select either Approve or Reject in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen.
- If you are Rejecting a change request from an employee, click Reject and put an explanatory note in the comment box.
- If you are managing a student employee, please be aware that you will only be able to approve adjustments for change requests from students that pertain to your department.
- You may also approve change requests by navigating back to the dashboard by clicking the hamburger menu in the top left-hand corner of the screen and selecting Home.
- From the home dashboard, navigate to the Approvals tab, where you will see all pending requests.
- These pending requests may be reviewed and approved similarly to steps 4 through 6.
Employee Timesheet Maintenance Step-by-step guide
Most aspects of an employee's timesheet should be available for a manager to make adjustments. This is helpful if you have an employee out on leave, or just an employee that needs extra assistance with changes.
In General, you can click on any punch box and update the times in and out, delete lines by hitting the trash button, or add lines by hitting the small blue plus (+) sign next to any day. You would want to hit save in the top right after making any changes so that they stick.
Changing Cost Centers
Cost centers determine various things, such as an employee's Job (usually only needs changed in instances of students with multiple jobs), Approver (supervisor for that shift), what type of Time Off, Activities (differentials), Comp vs Paid OT, and Manager Overrides (cancelling lunch).
To make an update to any cost center, you can hit the magnifying glass and select an option or hit "Browse". Once updated, hit Save at the top of the timesheet.
Adding Leave
Adding leave can be done by:
- Hit the small blue plus (+) sign next • to the needed day.
- Type in the number of hours needed in the Raw Total box.
- In the Time Off column, use the drop down to select what type of leave is being used (you may need to hit "Browse" the first time you select various types of time off).
- Hit save in the top right.
Keep in mind for non-exempt employees that are not on a flex schedule or 4/10 schedule, anything over 8 hours in a day will go to OT, so leave taken on partial days may need updating to add up to exactly 8 hours.
Change Punch Interpretation
Changing a punch interpretation is a useful tool for if an employee's punches end up disconnected or if they hit clock out instead of clock in. For example, there's a punch in on one line and a punch out on a secondary line and it's not calculating that day correctly.
To do this, you would hit the small clock symbol next to the punch time:
- If you need to swap from a punch in to a punch out (or vice versa) hit this button next to that punch and it will swap.
- If you need to connect a punch out that's on a separate line, hit the punch interpretation button next to the empty box on that line. It will jump over. Then, hit the punch interpretation button on the empty box on the line above (where you want the punch to go) and it will put them both on the same line.
- Hit save in the top right.
Add Differentials
Adding differentials can be done by:
- Hit the small blue plus (+) sign next to the needed day.
- Type in the number of hours for the given differential needed in the Raw Total box (this is for differentials that are not automatic, such as on-call, high voltage, etc. that apply only to certain hours)
- In the Activity column, use the drop down to select what type of differential is needed.
- Hit save in the top right.
Approving Time Off and Change Requests Step-by-step guide
- Navigate to the UKG Ready dashboard by going 1. to
- Provide your Duck ID credentials and use the DUO authenticator to complete the login process.
- To view pending change request items, click on the notification bell in the top right-hand corner.
- While on the My To Do Items tab, click on the change request you wish to approve.
- This brings up the request and shows the current state of the time entry, as well as the new state the employee would like it corrected to. Review the request for accuracy and select either Approve or Reject in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen.
- If you are Rejecting a change request from an employee, click Reject and put an explanatory note in the comment box.
- If you are managing a student employee, please be aware that you will only be able to approve adjustments for change requests from students that pertain to your department.
- You may also approve change requests by navigating back to the dashboard by clicking the hamburger menu in the top left-hand corner of the screen and selecting Home.
- From the home dashboard, navigate to the Approvals tab, where you will see all pending requests.
- These pending requests may be reviewed and approved similarly to steps 4 through 6.
Approving Time Entries Step-by-step guide
- Navigate to the UKG Ready dashboard by going 1. to
- Provide your Duck ID credentials and use the DUO authenticator to complete the login process.
- From the Dashboard, navigate to the Approvals tab. Here you will see pending requests for time off, change requests, and time entries from your employees.
- It is recommended that these pending requests are addressed in the order in which they are presented on the Approvals dashboard before proceeding to approving time entries in the bottom panel.
- To approve the pending time entries, click on the "Pending Approval – Time Entries" link in the bottom panel in order to view the full report. If you do not have the full report open, you will not be able to approve entries. Please make sure you are on the correct screen before proceeding.
- You may approve each employee’s time entries individually or grouped together by selecting the appropriate boxes on the left-hand side of the screen.
- To review an employee’s time entry in more detail, select the timesheet icon next to the entry in question. This will bring up the employee’s timesheet. You can hit the blue back arrow while in the timesheet to get back to the Time Entry approval report.
- To approve the entries, select all the appropriate lines and click the Approve button near the top right-hand corner of the screen. If you do not see an Approve button, you may not have the report open fully, you can try clicking on the title of the report as listed in Step 5.
Time Off Requests for Classified Exempt Employees Step-by-step guide
Exempt employees might submit a leave request, and their timesheets are a little bit different, so you will have to navigate through an error as detailed below.
Because their time is auto-populated, the time will need to be adjusted on those days.
IT employees have the ability to do these changes directly on their timesheet, so you may not see these for them. Therefore, it is important to review their timesheet or time entries carefully when you are doing your final approvals.
- Navigate to the UKG Ready dashboard by going 1. to
- Provide your Duck ID credentials and use the DUO authenticator to complete the login process.
- To view pending change request items, click on the notification bell in the top right-hand corner.
- While on the My To Do Items tab, click on the change request you wish to approve.
- This brings up the request and shows the current state of the time entry, as well as the new state the employee would like it corrected to. Review the request for accuracy and select either Approve or Reject in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen.
- If you are Rejecting a change request from an employee, click Reject and put an explanatory note in the comment box.
- If this request is for a current timesheet (and not in a future month) UKG will give you an error to work through. It is going to warn you that this employee already has 8 hours of regular time on that day and you will need to make a decision. If the request is for a full day, then you would select the option to remove all regular hours that day and hit Approve. If the request is for a partial day, then you would select the option to remove the partial regular hours and hit Approve.
- You can also view the timesheet from this screen if you want to see that day before choosing. Once done you can hit the blue arrow in the top left to go back to the previous screen.
- You may also approve change requests by navigating back to the dashboard by clicking the hamburger menu in the top left-hand corner of the screen and selecting Home.
- From the home dashboard, navigate to the Approvals tab, where you will see all pending requests.
- These pending requests may be reviewed and approved similarly to steps 4 through 6.
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