Address Change

Instructions for processing a change of address.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Employee Completes Form (2 options):

    1. Duckweb
      1. Log In
      2. Select Update Address/Phone
      3. Click on CURRENT next to name you want to adjust.
      4. Type in new information, click SUBMIT
    2. Paper Form
      1. Request RCM form from FASS Payroll or click on link below.
      2. Complete and submit to FASS.

FASS Agent Step-by-step guide

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  1. Duckweb: No Action Required

  2. Paper Form: 
    1. Make a copy.
    2. File in personnel file (until superseded).
    3. Submit to Central Payroll for processing.

Resources and Links

RCM: Request to Change Mailing Address: FORM LINK