Use EZ-CARE2 Remotely

Use EZ-CARE2 Remotely

When you're working from home, you can now access EZ-CARE2.  

Step-by-step guide

  1. Contact Sharon for approval.  Have her send a ticket to fass@uoregon.edu specifying that you need access to EZ-CARE remotely.
  2. Once access has been set up, log onto UOVPN.
  3. Go to https://fs-rds.uoregon.edu/RDweb/Pages/en-US/Default.aspx.  Enter your Duck ID and Password.  Click Sign in.  

  4. Click the EZ Care folder.

  5. Click EZ-CARE2 Workstation once.

  6. Click the file that is saved to your computer.  

  7. Enter your Duck ID and Password if prompted and click OK.  ***NOTE*** Your Duck ID may need ad\ in front of it.  EZ-CARE2 should open.