Printing and Mailing Services - Changing E-Mail Password in Neopost EMS

    • E-mail confirmation settings (This needs to be done on both computers) for uomailingmeter1 and uomailingmeter2.
      • From the Main Menu click the System Setup F11 button at the bottom.
        • If you are in one of the shipper screens and the F11 button does not say System Setup, click the button with the 3 lines in the upper left-hand corner.  It will change the Functions along the bottom from this: to this:   and change the F11 button to the System Setup button.
      • Click Connectivity Setups on the left side and then click Email Notification.
      • General Tab should be filled out like this:
      • Servers Tab should be filled out like this:
        • Change Password field to New Password.
        • Note that the POP3 fields need to be filled out, but nothing is received by this software and POP3 is not used.
      • Advanced Tab should be filled out like this: